Drop-off & Pick-up Procedures

Updated Pick Up & Drop Off Locations

Effective 8/4/2021

TK-1st grade drop off and pick up at the express lane (near the bus barn) located off of Ave 240 (Prosperity)

2nd-3rd grade drop off and pick up at the multipurpose room parking lot located off of Road 140 (Lovers Lane)

4th -5th grade drop off at the multipurpose room parking lot located off of Road 140 (Lovers Lane) and pick up at the express lane (near the bus barn) located off of Ave 240 (Prosperity)

6th grade drop off at the sports field located off of Road 140 (Lovers Lane) and pick up at the multipurpose room parking lot located off of Road 140 (Lovers Lane)

7th-8th grade drop off and pick up at the sports field located off of Road 140 (Lovers Lane)


Parents CANNOT wait inside the gated areas to pick up their child

Students arriving to school late must enter through the main entrance (the black gate off of Ave 240)

Thank you to all of our Sundale Families for your continued cooperation! #SundaleStrong