Mrs. Gist
Sundale School Superintendent
Welcome Sundale Students, Parents and Community!
I am delighted to serve as the Sundale School Superintendent. I want to ensure you that your student(s) are our top priority. The staff work hard to build relationships with each and every student and provide them with a postive experience.
Sundale School’s Mission is:
"Committed To Moral Integrity, Academic Excellence, and The Development of Self Worth For Students, Staff and Community."
The Sundale Staff is committed to provide a well-rounded education, emphasizing not only academic excellence but also the development of character, leadership skills, and a strong sense of community responsibility.
Teaching Character is important to Sundale’s School Board, Administration and Staff. The nation wide program called, Character Counts! is taught throughout the grade levels with all staff being trained on the six pillars (Trustworthy, Caring, Citizenship, Responsibility, Respect and Fairness). Students are recognized throughout the year for practicing and modeling the character traits. We encourage parents to emphasis these pillars at home as well.
I encourage students to take advantage of all the activities offered to you. These activities provide opportunties to explore new interests, develop talents, and build leadership skills. I also urge parents and guardians to get involved in our school community through volunteering, attending parent meetings, and supporting school events.
Communication and collaboration between home and school are key to the success of our students. We value your input, and we are committed to maintaining an open line of communication throughout the school year. Together, we can ensue that your child's educational experience at Sundale is exceptional in every way.
Please contact me by email if you have any questions or stop by the office. #SundaleStrong
The theme at Sundale School is:
If the students "Believe" they CAN "Achieve" then they DO "Succeed".
YOU ROCK Sundale Students! WE ARE CHAMPIONS AT SUNDALE SCHOOL because of your hard work!!!
Go Sundale Mustangs!
Please don't hesitate to ask questions of any of the office staff. We are hear to serve you.
(Mrs. Azevedo; Mrs. Straughn; Mrs. Gist; Mrs. Farkas; Ms. Scheler; Mrs. Godinho)