Daniel Gordon
3rd Grade Classroom Family
As we begin our 3rd Grade adventure for 2024-2025 please note that all important announcments will be posted on our Google Classroom Page(nkgxem2).
Thank you for visiting our third grade web page. If you have any questions about classroom operations or sign in information please email or call.
ELD Time!
Common Core Standard: 3.SL.1
For this activity the standard we are focused on centers around participitating collaboratively in a variety of discussions.
If you plan to create the most unique project, working together is important..
Ready to Read
3.RI.10- I can read, comprehend and respond to grade-level informational texts.
(Reading at home is just as valuable as reading in the classroom)
In this standard we are focused on using the information from the text to explore and discuss a topic.
*If you need help finding a goood adventure to read, classroom library books are available to take home each day
Collaborative Learning
Morning Work
We practice our writing every morning.
Whole Class Reading
Exploring Your Creative Skills
Enrichment activities such as playing the piano or learning a foreign language can help to keep young students engaged while providing a boost to their critical thinking skills.
CCSS: 3.W.1
For this whole class lesson we are working on our writing using reasons to support our opinion.
Working with Technology, Dreambox/ Lexia/ Wonders/Google Doc.
*Please note that if our class must return to distance learning at any time this year, all of these platforms will be utilized daily.
Life Science Simulation
CCSS: 3.SL.1
I can ask questions to understand a topic.
Kindness is the Key!
RESPECT (November):
FAIRNESS (December):
CARING (January):
Practice makes perfect
Daniel Gordon Locker
https://classroom.google.com/c/Mzc0NDcyNjQxNjE3?cjc=qbguyfg - Google Classroom Link 2021-2022
PPT, Word, Excel Viewers [Go]
Acrobat Reader [Go]
3rd Grade Standards -Math
8/31/15 1:42 PM - Daniel Gordon
3rd Grade Standards- ELA
8/31/15 1:39 PM - Daniel Gordon
Additional Practice- Spelling
8/31/15 1:44 PM - Daniel Gordon
Animal Research 1
8/31/15 2:08 PM - Daniel Gordon
Animal Research 2
8/31/15 2:08 PM - Daniel Gordon
Discovery Education
8/31/15 1:46 PM - Daniel Gordon
Google Classroom
8/31/15 2:20 PM - Daniel Gordon
Math Fun
8/31/15 2:05 PM - Daniel Gordon
Poetry Fun
8/31/15 2:00 PM - Daniel Gordon
Typing Help
8/31/15 1:48 PM - Daniel Gordo