Welcome back!

My name is Rae Dukes and I am one of the 8th grade Math and Science teacher. 

The best way to get in contact with me is via email: rae.dukes@sundale.org or remind.

  • Dukes/Beck remind: dukes24
  • Whole 8th Grade remind: sun24

Eighth Grade Trip 2024 - Anaheim, CA

This years eighth grade trip will be May 21-23 2024. Fundraisers that will take place to provide for this amazing trip to take place is Fourth of July firework booth, Harvest Carnival, and World Ag Expo.

Parent Resources

Common Core State Standards - 8th Grade Math


NGSS State Standards - 8th Grade Science


Khan Academy



We are privaleged in our 8th grade math classes to be using an online math program called ALEKS.This is a web based program that uses artificial intelligence to individualize practice and mastery of each student's skills. The students have been working on this program for the past couple years and have become very familar in using the program. Being that it is web based, the students can work on the program at any given time from home with web access. Each student has their own username and password. I encourage the students to access the program for extra math practice throughout the week, the holiday breaks, and after. If you should have any questions, please don't hestitiate to contact me.



8th Grade Math and Science: Syllabus

Leadership: Syllabus

Careers (Money Management): Syllabus