Rita Faria

This first zoom invite is for my whole class sessions

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 816 4874 9185
Passcode: faria


In the Classroom!


Should any problems or concerns arise during the year, please do not hesitate to contact me at school after 2:30 p.m.  You may also try to contact me by e-mail.  However, I normally don't check my e-mails until the end of the day.    If your message pertains to your child's transportation or something that is time sensitive please call the office.


Homework is an important part of your child’s academic growth and self-discipline skills. It reinforces skills and material learned in class and prepares students for upcoming class topics.  Homework teaches students to work independently and helps in evaluating their progress. 

Your child will receive regular assignments Monday through Thursday.  Please check with them nightly until they become accustomed to this habit.  Every night they should have a spelling, math, and reading.   If your child is ill and unable to come to school but you would like them to have the work they’re missing; a message can be left with the office  or send me and email.   I will be happy to get the work ready for them.

Wish List

The classroom is always in need of additional supplies to keep it running smoothly.  Some helpful items on our wishlist are:

  1. Lysol wipes
  2. small snacks
  3. plates, napkins, cups, forks and spoons

Any assistance you can provide will be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

Ms. Faria's Class 


Healthy snacks are welcome and encouraged in the classroom.  Students are allowed to bring fruit, vegetables, crackers, cheese, pretzels, or granola bars as snacks for the classroom.  They are also allowed to bring small bottles of water with a lid to drink in the classroom.  I believe they work harder and concentrate better if they are not hungry.  Sorry, no sugary treats, or chips will be allowed to be eaten during class time. 

Meet Ms. Faria

 I have 3 amazing boys. The twins are  in college and  My oldest is a US Marine.  I love being an active part in their lives.  Each one is uniquely different and it allows me to experience so many different and exciting things. 

  I am an avid runner.  Although I have participated in marathons and other fund raisers, it is the actual act of running that I love the most.  It is the best way to start a day.  I meet a dear friend  at 4:30 A.M. in a dark parking lot, before the world wakes up, just to make sure I get a little me time.  We run until we are out of time and return home to start our day. 

I can't wait to get to know you and your child.  Here is to a fantastic, and joyful year.:)

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Programs Available at Home

Our class is accessing Lexia, Starfall,Raz Kids   and dream Box  during their school day.  These programs are also available to the student to use from their home.  In order to access the program your child can go to the  Sundale Home Web page and click on the icons.   

Programs Available

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Resources for Parents

Here are some great resources for parents:

Engage New York Common Core Resources







Sundale Mustangs

Sundale Mustangs

Daily Schedule

8:10-8:20-  Morning Wake-up

8:20-8:40- Whole Group Wonders

8:40-10:00- Leveled Reading Groups

10:00-10:15- Break

10:15- 11:15- Specials (art, music, ag, library, computers)

11:10-11:50- Lunch

11:50-12:15- handwashing/ bathrooms and rest

12:15-12:45- Math rotations

12:45-1:00-  Teacher Read Aloud

1:00-1:30- Whole group writing/science/ss

1;30-1:45-  PE  1:45

1:45-2:00  Circle time 

2:00-2:10 Clean-up and closing

***Reminder:  Monday is early release for 1st Trimester