Welcome to Mr. Bagley's 3rd Grade Class Website
1st day of School: 8/5/24.....It is going to be another fantastic year!
Hello to all my 3rd grade students & parents. Please utilize my website this year because it will have many helpful things on it (great resources for you & your student in the Links & Resources tab). I will communicate mainly with Remind texts (join code: text @mrbagleys to 81010), but will occasionally send important emails for important reminders w/ details and for longer messages.
My schedule pretty much stays the same each week (please look at the Homework tab). If you ever have questions about the HW, send me a text, and I will reply promptly.
Important resource: the Math Homework help (videos) are here, on my website (left side; click on the Homework tab). Yes, you can even print out homework from this resource (in case your child is home sick or out of school).
*Email or Remind text me if you have any questions, comments, or concerns. I am here for you. We are a team.
CURRENT ESSAY / PROJECT: I was VERY impressed with all the awesome Log Cabins; our next assignment will be an Opinion essay about their favorite sport; it will be written, edited, and then typed in Google Classroom.
Mr. Bagley's Classroom Rules
- Respect yourself, others, and school property
- Don't do things that keep yourself or others from learning
- Follow directions the first time they are given (listen)
- Stay in your seat unless you have permission otherwise
- Raise your hand and wait for permission to speak
AR (Accelerated Reader) Reading Goals
Trimester 1
Sept 6th – 25%
Sept 27th – 50%
Oct 18th – 75%
Nov 1st – 100%
Trimester 2
Nov 22nd – 25%
Dec 20th – 50%
Jan 31st – 75%
March 7th – 100%
Trimester 3
March 28th – 25%
April 25th – 50%
May 9th – 75%
May 30th – 100%
*Note to parents: Please read with them, to them, and have them read to you; their goal is not just AR (Accelerated Reader) points, but we also want to see them strive for an 85% average (or above) on the AR quizzes they take; it is vital that they read books AT THEIR LEVEL so that they have fun reading and don't get frustrated; we would like to see them reading 20 to 30 minutes every night (yes, it is part of their Homework).
*We really appreciate your support at home as they grow into becoming better readers. It is so important! 3rd graders are still learning to read, but 4th grade is a big transition to reading to learn.
*My SCHOLASTIC BOOKS CODE is HYGFG. I LOVE when you order books becaue it gives me points toward free books for our classroom library. ;-)
September - Trustworthy: Alison Correia
October - Responsibility: Caleb Kern
November - Fairness: Anthony Padilla
February - Caring:
March - Respect:
April - Citizenship:
Newspaper Nominees:
Tulare County Office of Education KIDS of CHARACTER: Walter Allender & Sofia Julian
Instant Reward Winners: Luna Gil, Genevieve Saldana, Remi Rodgers
Shining Star Students: Daniel Cody, Hunter Cardoza, Jarrett Gomes
DONATIONS are glady accepted
Dear parents: the things I need most (throughout the year) are Ticonderoga pencils (the best pencils in the world), pencil topper erasers, Clorox Wipes, and small items for my Treasure Box (99 Cent Store items, candy, small toys, etc). I also highly value classroom volunteers for Center Rotations, the field trip, and for our four class parties.
THANK YOU in advance. ;-)