Hello, my name is Brent Bagley. 2023-24 will be my 18th year of teaching and my 12th year at Sundale. I love my job and feel blessed to be here. This year will be another amazing year! 



My emailbrent.bagley@sundale.org, but I also utilize Remind texts and will ask you to join the app.

The join code for Remind: https://www.remind.com/join/mrbagleys  (or text @mrbagleys to 81010)

I have an open door policy and am very good with communication, so I will ask for your preferred email as well. If you have any questions, comments, suggestions, or concerns, please let me know.

I welcome and cherish classroom volunteers and donations, so look for my sign-up sheet and you can also communicate with me via email or Remind. The most typical donations are pencils, pencil top erasers, Clorox Wipes, and small/inexpensive Treasure Box items. I also love the tape style white out.

As Sundale students, rest assured that your child will not just be taught academics, but character as well. "Teach to the heart, not just the head."

“I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel!”  --Maya Angelou